Take survey for parents or carers
Thank you for your support, this survey will close on the 21st August 2023.
Click here and enter your access code to start the survey.
Studies like Growing Up in the 2020s are crucial for understanding what matters to young people and their families. They help inform decisions being made about how schools and education will work in the future and how young people and their families are supported. In the past, findings from similar studies have helped shape school policies and other services impacting young people and their education. We want Growing Up in the 2020s to have an impact too! You and your family can help us make an impact by taking part.
You can complete this study on a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. You don’t have to complete the whole survey in one go – any progress you make will be saved and you can start where you left off when you next log in.
The information you provide will be treated as confidential in accordance with the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
If you need any help, you can call us on our Freephone 0800 652 4574. Opening hours can be found on our Contact us page.