Teachers and school staff

Supporting staff wellbeing and mental health

Thank you very much for your participation in the study. The organisations listed below provide support on a range of issues. If this research has raised questions or concerns for you, or you would like to speak to somebody for advice or support, you can use these links to access help. Some people find these details helpful to keep for future reference.


Education Support:
Resources to help your organisation with mental health and wellbeing including free counselling for education staff

Mentally Healthy Schools:
Advice and resources to help supporting pupils’ mental health in school

Anna Freud:
Supporting staff wellbeing in schools

Mental Health at Work:
Mental health support resources for school staff

Headspace for Educators
Mindfulness resources for school staff

Wellbeing guide for staff working in schools and trusts by the Local Government Association – (under ‘NEOST wellbeing guide’).

Promoting and supporting mental health and wellbeing in schools and colleges: information provided by the Department for Education

Samaritans (available 24/7):
Whatever you’re going through, you can contact the Samaritans day or night for support. This is a listening service. Call on 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB):
Your local CAB can offer independent confidential advice online about a range of issues including housing, debt and consumer issues. You can find out more, including where your nearest CAB is, on their website. To speak to someone, call Citizens Advice national phone service on 0800 144 8848.